The suspension bridge at Stubnerkogel

As soon as you get off the cable car at the top of Stubnerkogel, you can see the impressive cliffs that stretch between the Stubnerkogel mountain station and the transmission tower. Like a giant silver band, the 140-meter-long suspension bridge in Skigastein floats 28 meters above the ground. You can access the suspension bridge year-round, making it a perfect spot for one-of-a-kind walks and great photos.

Thrills and spills galore – the see-through suspension bridge of Skigastein

The suspension bridge on Stubnerkogel is located at an awe-inspiring 2,300 meters above sea level. Thanks to the see-through wire mesh construction, you enjoy unrestricted 360° panoramic views of the surrounding mountains – making it one of the most popular photo spots of the panoramic world of Gastein.

Every step along the 140-meter-long bridge that’s perched 28 meters above the ground inspires awe and amazement. Take a moment, savour the crisp mountain air and marvel at the stunning views!

Die Hängebrücke am Stubnerkogel, auf der zwei Wintersportler:innen in die Ferne schauen. In der Distanz sind weitere Personen zu erkennen.
Pärchen auf der Hängebrücke im Winter am Stubnerkogel
Die Hängebrücke am Stubnerkogel im Sommer, auf der zwei Personen in die Ferne blicken. In der Distanz sind weitere Personen zu erkennen.
Pärchen auf der Hängebrücke am Stubnerkogel im Winter
Die Hängebrücke am Stubnerkogel im Winter
Personen überqueren die Hängebrücke am Stubnerkogel im Winter

Do you want a snapshot? It’s easy with the Skiline photo box!

You can leave your camera or smartphone safely stored in your bag because the Skiline photo box will capture your best mountain moments for you. Trust the device to shoot a crystal-clear snapshot from the very best panoramic perspective!

How does it work? Simply activate the photo box with your KeyCard or Gastein Card, strike a pose, and smile! All images and videos can be found at  – ready for you to share and download!

Gastein Fotopoint

Thanks to the Skiline Photopoint, your best mountain moments are captured as photos and videos.

Discover other scenic viewpoints

Breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and across the valley
Stunning views of Schlossalm through the see-through wire mesh – only if you’re good with heights!
Lovely mountain and valley views from the viewing platform at Stubnerkogel
important news 1
  • SPORTI WEEKENDS - SNOW, FOOD & SOUND: Starting at 8:15 AM - Spring skiing, cool beats, and enjoyable mountain moments in Sportgastein!
important news
SPORTI WEEKENDS - SNOW, FOOD & SOUND: Starting at 8:15 AM - Spring skiing, cool beats, and enjoyable mountain moments in Sportgastein!

Experience unforgettable ski days with spring snow, DJ sets, and Dolce Vita in Sportgastein! Every weekend from April 5th to May 1st.

More info: HERE