The Barefoot Trail around Lake Spiegelsee

Get in touch with the nature of Gastein: The Barefoot Trail around Lake Spiegelsee in Dorfgastein lets your family feel the varied high-alpine terrain. From the tips of your toes to the back of your heels, your feet are in constant contact with the soft forest ground and gentle pastures at 1,860 meters above sea level during this easy hike. Plus, keep your eyes peeled for lovely views of glistening Lake Spiegelsee and the stunning Alpine landscape!

The Barefoot Trail in a nutshell

  • Starting point: mountain station of Gipfelbahn Fulseck cable car
  • Duration: approx. 2.5 h
  • Distance: around 4 km
  • Elevation gain: 500 m downhill

Barefoot Trail – route description

The starting point of this route is right by the mountain station of Gipfelbahn Fulseck cable car. From there, the signposted family hiking trail runs through impressive mountain landscapes toward Lake Spiegelsee. Once you have reached the lake, it’s time to take off your shoes for your barefoot adventure along the shores of Lake Spiegelsee! Without shoes, you will walk more slowly and consciously, with rough stones, earth, grass, and varied terrain massaging the soles of your feet and stimulating your reflex points. The Barefoot Trail at Fulseck in Dorfgastein is a sensual experience with an immediate calming effect.

Sit down & enjoy the view

If you want to take in the surrounding landscape and mountains, there are plenty of nice spots to sit down and enjoy the view. Take a seat on one of the comfortable seating elements around Lake Spiegelsee and savor your surroundings! Young hikers will enjoy romping around the forest playground before the whole family sets off back to the middle station.

Cozy spots for a break

With your head full of unforgettable images of Lake Spiegelsee, it’s easy to tackle the way back. And how about stopping by at one of the many cozy spots for a break further south? Whether you’re thirsty, hungry, or simply want to sit down for a bit: Wengeralm and Reiterhütte restaurants are always happy to welcome hikers.

Your tickets for a summer in the Gastein Valley

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Gratrundweg Tauernblick trail
The alpine trail
important news 1
  • SPORTI Weekends: Skiing in Sportgastein every Saturday & Sunday from 8.15 am
important news
SPORTI Weekends: Skiing in Sportgastein every Saturday & Sunday from 8.15 am