The press portal of the Gastein Valley

Are you currently working on a piece about the holiday destination of Skigastein or the cable cars of Gastein? In our press portal, you can find a vast range of official press images and press releases providing you with reliable information about upcoming highlights in the Gastein Valley.

Our tip: To make it even quicker and easier to find what you’re looking for, we recommend using the convenient filter options. Simply select the respective season and use keywords to fine-tune your search!

Press contact

Teresa Panzl
Press & Media Manager

Gasteiner Bergbahnen AG | Bundesstraße 567
5630 Bad Hofgastein

Phone: 06432 6455 - 145

important news 1
  • SPORTI WEEKENDS - SNOW, FOOD & SOUND: Starting at 8:15 AM - Spring skiing, cool beats, and enjoyable mountain moments in Sportgastein!
important news
SPORTI WEEKENDS - SNOW, FOOD & SOUND: Starting at 8:15 AM - Spring skiing, cool beats, and enjoyable mountain moments in Sportgastein!

Experience unforgettable ski days with spring snow, DJ sets, and Dolce Vita in Sportgastein! Every weekend from April 5th to May 1st.

More info: HERE