Skiing & activities
Culinary delights & spas
Tickets & lifts
All the information you need is conveniently available in our downloads area in the form of PDF files. This allows you to effortlessly plan your summer or winter vacation in the Gastein Valley, using pist or trail maps, outdoor activity guides, and information on the Gastein guest card, for instance.
In the magazine "Bergblicke" you can read interesting stories and insider tips about the special slopes in Skigastein. There is also information about the sustainable projects of the Gasteiner Bergbahnen.
Sprache: DE/EN
Piste map, lifts and more for the perfect skiing fun in Skigastein.
Sprache: DE/EN
Sprache: DE/EN
All information regarding on-piste ski touring routes, rules & regulations, prices, and evening ski tours can be found in this convenient info folder.
Get an overview of the Gastein ski region and Ski amadé.
Language: DE
Find out more about Gastein's adventure mountains and find your desired hiking route.
Language: DE/EN
Overview ski buses in Gastein
Language: DE/EN
Experience unforgettable ski days with spring snow, DJ sets, and Dolce Vita in Sportgastein! Every weekend from April 5th to May 1st.
More info: HERE
You can find all the information you need to plan your vacation in our downloads area – from ski touring routes to via ferratas, trail maps and more.
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